This is How You Can Make the Most of Your Golf Internship

This is How You Can Make the Most of Your Golf Internship

You did it. You landed your first internship, and it’s working in the sport you love- golf.

The future is looking bright as you prepare to take the first step of your prosperous career. You’ve researched the organization you’ll work for, ironed your first-day outfit and practiced your confidence-drenched meet and greet scenarios in the mirror. Still, you feel some butterflies tickling at your insides.

Will I be able to do the work? Will I make a good impression? What if I flop entirely?

In today’s competitive workforce, it’s easy to feel the pressure. You’ve landed your dream sports internship and you don’t want to mess up all the hard work you’ve put into getting to that point.

To make the most of your internship, here are a few key things to remember.


You are passionate about the sport, you are prepared and you know you’ll put 100% in no matter what. That’s all you can do, and that’s perfect! Staying positive, interacting, working hard and asking questions will help you learn and network.

Take initiative

Don’t be afraid to step up to the plate when something needs to get done. Also, if you feel like you don’t have enough to do, ask! Taking initiative is a great way to show that you’re there to learn and it will also allow your fellow colleagues to get to know you.

Don’t get down

You can’t beat yourself up when mistakes happen- and yes- they happen to everyone! You’re new to the job and can’t expect to do everything perfectly. If you make mistakes, take a deep breath and carry on. Analyze the situation and how you could’ve handled it better, then apply that next time. If you feel unsure, ask for guidance.

Dealing with the flipside

What if you…gulp…are not enjoying your internship? Sometimes life can throw us a curveball. As the days progress, you might find through your internship that this might not be the career path for you. That’s ok! Be honest with yourself. Use this as a learning experience. What don’t you like about it? Talk to someone knowledgeable if you must, but never think something is wrong with you and don’t ignore your feelings if they persist. Sometimes internships are great because they help you figure out what you really want to do. It’s never too late to consider a different path. Reach for your passions!


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