Tip Tuesday: The Unwritten Rules of Golf

Sometimes secrets are kept close to the heart, but these secrets of the golf course should be shared with everyone. As many people know, there are various unspoken rules when on the golf course. Some are well known, while others not many are aware of. In today’s Tip Tuesday we are going to discuss some of these unspoken rules to make more people aware of them. 

Well Known Rules:


The Professional Golfers Career College (PGCC) discusses these rules in their article. Being quiet is one of the most important things to remember when on the course. When another player is going to swing, make sure you are quiet. Have cell phones and other devices off or on silent so it doesn’t disturb the other players.

Quiet on the course
Photo Credit: Live About


Another more well-known rule that is unspoken is yelling out “fore”! If there is a wild shot, the player that hits it must yell this out. This is because it might have a chance to hit another person. Yelling “fore” will “warn the person of the incoming ball”, says PGCC

Photo Credit: NXTBook Media

Nothing Left Behind

After playing on the golf course, make sure to leave nothing behind after your swing. Fix things like the divots that were made, markings that the golfer used, and rake the bunker after hitting in it. This also applies to any trash that a player had while playing on the course. Nothing should be left behind!

Bunker Rake
Photo Credit: USGA

Lesser Known Rules:

Unsolicited Lessons SHOULD NOT Be Offered

Sometimes people like to give advice to others, but not everyone wants it. Make sure the fellow golfer wants to listen before offering advice to them. Most times golfers are willing to listen, but not all the time. 

No Sign

Gimmies in Non-Competitive Rounds

PGCC says, “Never assume a put is a gimme, be ready to putt everything.” It’s common in noncompetitive rounds to offer a gimme putt when a certain distance to the hole. This distance is usually within the distance of the grip on the putter. When both players agree that the putt would have gone in, this is considered a gimme putt. 

Gimme Putt
Photo Credit: Live About

Make sure to check in every Tuesday for more Tip Tuesday Blogs!


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