HJGT has some exciting news to share with you! There is a new network starting up called the Junior Golf Network. This show will be produced and hosted by Sara Davis; Sara is a senior at Lawrence Technological University in Michigan, pursuing a degree in Media Communications with aspirations to be a golf host and reporter. Sara is going to be the woman traveling from tournament to tournament to get coverage of the junior golfers.
Junior Golf Network is the only network in the world that showcases a variety of young golfers from all different age groups. JGN is an amazing experience for all junior golfers, it is going to give them professional experience with competing on camera, interacting with reporters for interviews, and gives them the opportunity to share some of their golf tips with the audience.
Stay tuned every week for new episodes. On Monday’s we will be releasing a segment on where JGN will be traveling the upcoming week, there will be giveaways, and much much more. Our first official episode will be released on June 1st at 6 PM eastern time and will provide coverage from the 54 Hole Junior Open at Celebration Golf Club located in Celebration Florida.
Until then, be sure to follow us on all social media platforms at:
Twitter: @juniorgolfnetw1
Instagram: juniorgolfnetwork
Facebook: Junior Golf Network
YouTube: Junior Golf Network
By following all of our platforms you will have access to our upcoming segments, insight about upcoming tournaments, opportunities to enter in various giveaways, and the ability to share with the JGN what you want to see on the upcoming episodes.
We are so excited for all that is to come from the Junior Golf Network and we look forward to seeing you on June 1st!